A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
February 26, 2022

Suicide…our children’s pandemic?

1 Australian Bureau of Statistics Deaths due to influenza (251,142 cases, 1,255 deaths = 0.5% death rate for Influenza in 2017)

2 Covid-19 case numbers and statistics ( real time tiles (19 Feb 22: 2,656,554 cases, 4,835 deaths WITH covid = 0.18% death rate for Covid for total pandemic period)

3 Epidemiology reports ( (363,347 cases, 1,319 deaths = 0.36% death rate for Covid for 2021)

4 New Australian Bureau of Statistics Covid statistics summary

5 Australian Bureau of Statistics suicide summary 2020

6 Average age of death in Australia (all causes)

7 Bonus: Current hospital and ICU figures have been confirmed to be erroneous/ overstated. For example: an ICU case presenting to hospital because of a broken leg (not presenting in ICU because of covid symptoms, despite testing positive for Covid) being counted in the ICU hospital Covid figures for the day would be an erroneous report. Analysis by the Daily Telegraph (over just a 2 day period) states this error rate to apply to at least 50% of ICU/ hospital cases.

suicide our children's pandemic
covid-19 statistics