Video: We Are CHD
May 27, 2022

AVN legal action appeal

We need to raise approximately $150,000 – $180,000 on top of what has already been

donated – thanks to your generosity – to cover a likely adverse costs order arising from the

hearing on Standing, and to cover the additional cost we have been put to for needing to

appeal. Without these funds we cannot continue with our appeal on Standing – an appeal

which we have been told has very good prospects of success.

Should we win this appeal, then the monies paid for the adverse costs order will be returned

to the AVN, and we can get on with the substantive hearing of our evidence against the


If we cannot raise the needed monies our case will be dead in the water, leaving a terrible

precedent for future litigants seeking justice, while leaving this Secretary of Health free to

continue supplying a dangerous substance to the Australian community, and particularly to

5-11 year olds who were never threatened by SARS-CoV-2, but who are threatened by what

this substance can and has been doing – causing horrific injuries and illness and deaths.


More details: AVN Funding message